The Mining Open-air Museum in Brezove Hory

Exhibitions located in what were formerly operational and administrative buildings feature a rich mining history of this area, where silver, uranium and other ores were extracted. Visitors can travel by train, both on the surface and in the underground of the mine. Tours are conducted through several miles of mining tunnels; visitors can travel down the pit in a mining lift and they can ride on the slide which leads to a giant water wheel. The museum also features unique historical mining steam engines and an extensive collection of minerals, as well as an exhibition documenting the miners’ way of life.

Hornické muzeum Příbram - mapa areálu

Tour Areas

Areal A „Ševčin Mine“

Areal B „Anna Mine“

Areal C „Vojtěch Mine“

Entry Fees

Admission fee

  • Tickets for each of the tour sites A, B and C
    • Adults 60 CZK
    • Children, seniors and students 30 CZK
    • Family ticket (2 adults + 2–4 children ) 150 CZK

Visitors pay extra to visit these attractions:

  • The mining train ride between the Ševčinský and the Vojtěch mines.
  • The water wheel in the Drkolnov mine.
  • Collecting mineralogical and geological samples on the Ševčín shaft slag heap.
  • The train ride down the Prokopius shaft of the Anna mine.
  • Wasserlauf, the water floor of the Anna mine.
  • The water wheel chamber in the underground of the Anna mine.
  • The water tunnel in the Anna mine.
  • The  historical forge in the Vojtěch mine.
  • Each of the other individual exhibitions located within the tour sites A, B, C.


  • A discount is available for holders of ISIC, ITIC, IYTC
  • Ticket Multi vouchers, Ticket Sport & Culture vouchers, Ticket Compliments, Cadhoc, Unisek+
  • Free for the holdem of the AMG, ICOM, DMF and Deutscher Museumsbund passes are accepted.
  • Free parking.
Hornické muzeum Příbram - Důl Ševčinský 1813 - šachetní budova


Where to find us

Hornické muzeum Příbram

nám. Hynka Kličky 293
261 01 Příbram VI – Březové Hory
tel.: +420 318 626 307, +420 318 633 138

The Příbram Mining museum is located in the Březové Hory area, approximately 2 km west of Příbram city centre. The way to the museum is signposted for cars on all access roads with European traffic signs IS 24b (cultural and historical sites).

Parking spaces for personal vehicles are available in each of the tour sites A, B, C. We recommend that coaches park near Site B „Důl Anna“ – „The Anna Mine“. A small parking area is also available at  Site A „Ševčinský důl“ – „The Ševčin Mine“. Parking is free. The location of all car parks is indicated on the map.

Areal A „Ševčin Mine“

nám. Hynka Kličky 293, 261 01 Příbram VI – Březové Hory
tel.: 318 626 307, 318 633 138

Areal B „Anna Mine“

Husova 274, 261 01 Příbram VI – Březové Hory
tel.: 318 630 149, 326 531 486

Areal C „Vojtěch Mine“

Husova 29, 26101 Příbram VI – Březové Hory
tel.: 318 620 048, 326 531 487

Do muzea